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    Going back six years or so, i was smoking two or more packets of cigarettes a day, and on stress days probably more,and had done so for over thirty years, so i decided to switch to hand rolled ones. My decision used the logic that by not getting all those nasty chemicals and additives that are in manufactured cigarettes, my body was going to be fine, as i had also read that nicotine does not kill you, so by rolling my own, i was going to be ok and also save quite a lot of money. What i had failed to accept at the time was that there was still a lot of smoke going into my lungs, which was doing as much harm,but i rationalized that by playing racket ball once or twice a week Cigarette Tobacco For Sale Online, on the premise that if i was fit, or fitter, then i would be perfectly ok Newport Menthol Cigarettes. When the nicotine gum and patches came out i tried them both in an attempt to quit smoking, but at one point i was wearing a high strength patch, chewing the gum, AND having a cigarette all at the same time, so i came to the conclusion that they don't work. I was also told that willpower was required to Stop Smoking, but the very thought of being without my ciggy's, and failing to quit once again after a number of half hearted goes Online Cigarettes Free Shipping, and using a combination of so called willpower, plus some other not so pleasant substitutes, i failed again. The thing about TRYING to do anything is ridiculous, due to the fact that to try is not to Do, so if you are going to do something you have to DO it not try, consequently my try attempts to pack up smoking were doomed to failure straight away, so i stopped trying and carried on with the weed. In March 2008 i had the fright of my life when i ended up in hospital as i was coughing up blood, or so i thought, but the x-ray proved clear, and unbelievably so were my lungs, i cannot tell you what a relieve that was. The Doctor said that my gums were to blame, and after i seen my dentist he confirmed it was my gums, and the disease was from smoking. The whole scenario had really frightened me, to the point that i had to Do it now and not just TRY. Part of my internet business is about self hypnosis, and i had some discs on helping to Stop smoking, and as i had never heard them, listened to them on my head phones that night 31-3-2008, went to bed, and i can honestly say that i have not smoked since. I now find it hard to understand why i smoked for so long, especially when the whole process of self hypnosis was so painless, and on the very few occasions that i thought i might like a cigarette, the thought disappears almost immediately, as i find myself saying You do not smoke, why would you want to do that I am also now reaping the rewards of being a non smoker. My home, clothes, and car do not smell of stale tobacco. My skin color and general tone has changed so much that friends say i look ten years younger. No more coughing my heart up and the wheezing has gone My risk of a heart attack has already been reduced by 50%. My wallet is heavier due to the savings made. My family and friends now respect me so much more for DOING instead of TRYING. Do this NOW for YOU and let me know when you Stop Smoking with Hypnosis. Hi Barry Many thanks for your comments to my article, and you raised a very important point, as most smokers realise it is bad for them, but it doesnt feel like its bad Cheap Cigarettes. When you experience something real, just like I went through, there really was only going to be one course of action, which I took. This was almost three years ago and i can say i have not even wanted a cigarette since, and i am the worlds worst when i am in the company of smokers Buy Cigarettes Online, which I tend to avoid asd the smell makes me feel sick Newport 100S Cigarettes.

  • Thema von cigspriced im Forum Allgemein

    In this Tuesday, April 29, 2014 photo, Syrian girls Beian Howais, 9, left, and Hasna Kadrou, 7, wash dishes outside their tent, at a Syrian refugee camp, near the eastern town of Kab Elias, Lebanon. Syrian refugees in Lebanon say they must pay bribes to middlemen ranging from $3 to $100 to receive aid, adding another layer of suffering for those fleeing the war, according to a series of interviews with refugees in a tent encampment near the eastern Lebanese town of Kab Elias this month []Buy Cigarettes Online[/url]. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

    As a host of aid agencies struggle to provide help to the flood of Syrian refugees into Lebanon - so far numbering more than a million and counting - middlemen have worked their way into the cracks of the distribution system, demanding bribes and adding another layer of suffering for those fleeing the war.

    The most affected appear to be the poorest of the refugees - the around 160,000 who are unable to afford housing in Lebanon and end up in unofficial, ramshackle tent camps. In a series of interviews with The Associated Press, refugees in one such camp near the eastern town of Kab Elias said they often must pay anywhere from $3 to $100 in bribes to shopkeepers, local strongmen or municipal officials for a variety of tasks []Newport Menthol Cigarettes[/url], particularly to get some consignments of aid or speed their registration.

    "They are hungry dogs at the door," said Sabha, a friend of Zein who also went with her to the grocery to seek blankets. "I don't have money to pay for bribes. refugee agency, UNHCR, oversees the bulk of aid distribution in Lebanon, working with 60 partner organizations. Most refugees who register with the UNHCR receive an ATM-like card which they can directly purchase $30 worth of food each month - eliminating any bribe-seeking middleman.

    But the $30 runs out quickly, forcing those in the camps to turn to other charities. The smaller groups, in particular, often lack manpower to distribute aid themselves and so turn to local middlemen to register refugees to receive their shipments of food, medicine, blankets and other supplies - opening the door for abuses.

    "It's a common issue across all operations and we are well aware of it," said Ninette Kelley, UNHCR's representative in Lebanon. "There will always be people who try exploit refugees . It's really so sad, because refugees are the most vulnerable in a community."

    She said it was unlikely to be widespread because of extensive checks. The UNHCR also conducts outreach to refugees, informing them its services are free and that they can report incidents of corruption.

    But oversight is difficult amid the chaos of one of the world's worst refugee crisis. Syria's civil war has driven more than 2.6 million people into neighboring nations.

    The governments of Turkey and Jordan have set up large, organized camps to take in many of the refugees. Lebanon, in contrast, has not allowed official camps []Marlboro Cigarettes Website[/url], leaving almost no supervision over the dozens of small, informal encampments that have cropped up, particularly in the agricultural fields of the eastern Bekaa Valley.

    Each camp is typically controlled by a strongman, known colloquially as the "shawish" - usually a refugee who has built up connections with local Lebanese officials or has prominent family connections among the refugees. The shawish often oversees the building of tents, sometimes demanding rent, and provides services for the refugees like securing lines of credit with local shopkeepers, finding them work or dealing with Lebanese officials - all for a fee.

    For example, Zein and Sabha, a 32-year-old mother of five, each earn $4 a day each picking beans, but they have to give $1.65 a day to their camp's shawish []Newport 100S Cigarettes[/url], who got them the job.

    One recent day after work - their hands still stained with dirt - the two went to the grocery near their camp after hearing they could register there for blankets from the charity Caritas.

    Inside the store, the shopkeeper stood before a large ledger.

    "Is there aid coming?" asked Zein. "How much is it?"

    Five thousand lira up front, then another 15,000 lira after receiving the aid, he said - altogether, about $13.30. The two women walked out.

    Asked about the incident, Caritas spokeswoman Joelle El Dib said the organization's policy is not to use middlemen and that the group was not aware of demands of bribes for its aid. She said the group would investigate the incident.

    Seven aid workers with various organizations said relief groups are sometimes forced to use local shopkeepers or the shawish to register refugees. "The shawish is usually known as being corrupt. They can block access, and (charities) aren't allowed to see the people, unless it's with his permission," said one aid worker.

    "It's almost impossible to check on whether aid is being properly delivered for a village. Now imagine for a million people," another aid worker said.

    The aid workers spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the problems.

    The shawish in Sabha and Zein's camp acknowledged that he takes money and argued that it was justified because he helps fellow refugees. His tent showed the benefits. It had electricity for a fan, while others go without power. There was a stack of extra blankets and a double bed - a contrast to the thin mattresses on the ground that most camp residents sleep on []Cheapest Marlboro Cigarettes Free Shipping[/url].

    The camp is a collection of about a dozen tents thrown together from pieces of burlap and plastic and wood planks amid the bean fields []Online Cigarettes Free Shipping[/url], home to about 20 families. Sabha and Zein sat with other women in one tent, smoking cheap cigarettes as they spoke about the bribes.

    "They control us," Zein said of the shawishes and other middlemen.

    One woman, Umm Ahmed, told how a driver for one charity demanded $7 to take refugees' names to receive boxes of food and soap distributed by a nearby mosque.

    Umm Nader, a mother of seven, said the shawish told her to pay a $30 bribe to speed up registration with the UNHCR, a service that is supposed to be free.

    "The land, we pay for. The tent, we pay for. We pay for everything," said another woman, Umm Hamid, mother of 10. "We've been hungry for a week."

    In this Tuesday, April 29, 2014 photo, a Syrian displaced woman prepares food for her family outside their tent, at a Syrian refugee camp, near the eastern town of Kab Elias, Lebanon. Syrian refugees in Lebanon say they must pay bribes to middlemen ranging from $3 to $100 to receive aid, adding another layer of suffering for those fleeing the war, according to a series of interviews with refugees in a tent encampment near the eastern Lebanese town of Kab Elias this month. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

    In this Tuesday, April 29, 2014 photo, Halbiya, 50, who fled her home from Deir al-Zour, washes her hands after working on a field, at a Syrian refugee camp, near the eastern town of Kab Elias, Lebanon. Syrian refugees in Lebanon say they must pay bribes to middlemen ranging from $3 to $100 to receive aid, adding another layer of suffering for those fleeing the war, according to a series of interviews with refugees in a tent encampment near the eastern Lebanese town of Kab Elias this month. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

    In this Tuesday, April 29, 2014 photo, Hameed who fled from Aleppo, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press at a Syrian refugee camp, near the eastern town of Kab Elias, Lebanon. Syrian refugees in Lebanon say they must pay bribes to middlemen ranging from $3 to $100 to receive aid, adding another layer of suffering for those fleeing the war, according to a series of interviews with refugees in a tent encampment near the eastern Lebanese town of Kab Elias this month. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)
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